ISO9001 and ISO27001 certifications at CLS
- 9 September 2020
- Category: News

What are these standards and why make sure
your fisheries services provider has them?
These two standards are set by independent, international organizations and outline how to best manage quality (9001) and data security (27001). Companies can ask an accredited certification body to conduct an audit, and if the standards are met, the company is then officially certified.
These standards have many benefits, such as:
- Ensure customers and partners of the highest levels of performance, independently verified
- Optimize a company’s processes
- Set up best practices for continuous improvement
CLS: ISO certified
CLS holds both strategic ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications, building trust and confidence with our clients and partners.
We first received certification of the quality standard ISO 9001 in 2004 and it has been independently audited and maintained since then. With this standard, customers can be sure that our products, services and systems meet stringent quality requirements. It also attests to our efforts in terms of continuous improvement.
Security guaranteed
Crucial for National Sovereignty and Business
CLS has also achieved the ISO 27001 standard, meeting the strictest requirements for information security management.
The ISO 27001 certification requires that management:
- Systematically examine the organization’s information security risks, and assessing threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts;
- Design and implement a coherent and comprehensive suite of information security controls and/or other forms of risk mitigation
- Adopt an overarching management process to ensure that information security controls continue to meet the organization’s information security needs on an ongoing basis.
For fishermen and governments, this means your data (such as VMS, ERS, and FMC data, for example) is guaranteed to be secure. Your data remains your own; you decide when and with whom you want to share it.
During the last annual review by Bureau Veritas Certification, the auditor wanted to add a key observation about the company’s culture: he found that one of CLS Group’s strengths is the employees’ passion, high level of skill, and expertise.
CLS is proud to have these two standards as a guarantee of excellence, international compliance while continually improving, and above all, our commitment to trust and transparency.