Fighting IUU: The Congo Relies on CLS Fisheries
- 25 March 2019
- Category: News, References

CLS Supports the Fight against Illegal Fishing:
The Congo Reactivates its Monitoring, Control and Surveillance System
The fight against illegal fishing gained renewed support on 22 March in Pointe-Noire by Henri Djombo, the Minister of State and Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, in the presence of local authorities and staff from his ministry.
Minister Djombo reiterated that fishing is a priority sector and a key part of economic diversification, as set out in the National Development Plan 2018-2022. This sector plays a dual strategic role, first in providing high quality protein for food security and nutrition, and second in generating income and employment by expanding the sources for creating wealth, said Djombo.
Regarding fisheries science, the Minister of State noted that the productivity of fish species in Congolese waters is relatively good. However, it is regrettable that this key resource is not being fished in strict compliance with the law and the regulations in force. This does not support a rational and sustainable management of this ecosystem, whose equilibrium is very fragile.
“Thanks to CLS’ expertise, our partnership will enable us to reactivate and make operational our satellite positioning and monitoring system for fishing vessels using the latest generation Triton -type transponders, which are more advanced than Argos transmitters. Sixty-nine beacons will be received and made operational. They will be installed on industrial fishing vessels and will constitute the test sample that will enable us to monitor in real time all fishing activities in the marine area. In addition, we have set up a training workshop to build the capacity of Ministry managers to use this new tool with the support of CLS experts, who will lead the workshops,” the Minister said.
It should be noted that most fishermen do not comply with the regulations in force, including those in national laws and regulations, in particular those on motors, fishing grounds and catch reporting.
With the reactivation of the satellite monitoring, control and surveillance system for industrial fishing, Congo wants to meet standards in order to carry out joint actions with other countries in the sub-region.
This article was published in French by the Agence d’Information d’Afrique Centrale
by Séverin Ibara (translated from the French by Cynthia Johnson)