NAGIS Project in Vietnam
- 15 April 2022
- Category: News

With the Directorate of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, CLS is performing a feasibility study “NAGIS-FASEP” (National Aquaculture Geographic Information System) whose final objective is to provide a prototype GIS for aquaculture management. The initiative has received the support of the French Ministry of Finance and the Natixis bank.
This platform crosses data as diverse as aquaculture production, water quality in breeding ponds, or climate scenarios.
Thus, one aspect of the project includes the installation of water quality monitoring stations and the transmission of data concerning the following physico-chemical parameters:
- temperature,
- dissolved oxygen,
- salinity,
- pH,
- redox potential,
- turbidity.

In this context, two farms have been selected by DFISH, the Vietnamese governmental agency in charge of national fisheries. The first farm is in Soc Trang and the other one in Bac Lieu.
CLS, installed two stations dedicated to the water monitoring, in March, taking advantage of a change in the production cycle. These stations were provided by Bioceanor, and allow to follow in real time the water quality and, eventually, to anticipate its evolution at 48 hours. They allow producers to manage their ponds in a precise and dynamic way, and is a reliable tool for adaptation to environmental and human outputs.
In addition to the support that these sensors provide to producers, they also give DFISH an overview of the status of the ponds since the data is automatically collected and transmitted to the NAGIS system for a weekly and continuous evaluation of the evolution of water quality.
This Geographic Information System of national ambition could revolutionize aquaculture management in Vietnam, an innovative and highly adaptive country in this field, and give decision makers a tool to become a world leader in sustainable performance.
We thank our partner Bioceanor for its commitment and work.