Data for Oceanographic Learning
& Fisheries Intelligence Needs
Advanced Data Analytics for Better Business
DOLFIN is a powerful fisheries support service from CLS. Using the latest techniques in data mining, artificial intelligence, and Big Data, it is the only product of its kind on the market today.
DOLFIN dives deep into 20 years of ocean and fisheries data to provide unprecedented insights for optimizing fleet management and fisheries monitoring.
Every day, new fishing technology is being introduced: fuel and gear sensors, cameras onboard, e-logbooks, traceability systems, in addition to VMS transponders. These technologies generate a wealth of data for fishers, and that data is a highly valuable asset. Previously, making sense of all this information has been a challenge, but is now possible thanks to advanced data analytics. DOLFIN uses these technologies to help you extract maximum operational value, while maintaining complete data security and privacy.
Instead of studying several different paper logbooks and Excel files, and hours of work trying to find meaningful patterns in your data, put the power of DOLFIN to work for you.

Powerful Intelligence
Optimize Fleet Strategy
Know Where to Go before Leaving Port
Save Time and Fuel
Monitor Catch Efforts over an Entire Region

Easy-to-Use Interface
Essential Insights at a Glance
Customizeable Dashboards
All Your Data in One Place

Our Unique Expertise
Fisheries Scientists
Data Mining/Big Data/Machine Learning
Satellite Data Collection & Operations
Multi-source Data Fusion